Electronic News Gathering
Electronic News Gathering. You know when you watch the news and they cut from the studio to some poor schmoe stuck in a hurricane describing the rain? ENG stands for Electronic News Gathering.
Electronic News Gathering (ENG) is very demanding, getting the story every time, anytime, anywhere, which is why tripods with quick easy set up are important. electron′ic news′ gath′ering, [Television.] Radio and Television, Show BusinessSee ENG. 'electronic news gathering' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations) Electronic news-gathering (ENG) is when reporters and editors make use of electronic video and audio technologies in order to gather and news gathering.
Electronic news-gathering (ENG) is a broadcast news industry description of television producers, reporters and editors making use of electronic video and audio technologies for gathering and.
ENG can involve anything from a single reporter with a single professional video camera, to an entire television crew taking a truck on location. It is the process of reporting events and activities that occur outside of the television studio. Electronic News Gathering allows the television news reporters the flexibility of recording events and even transmitting live from the news spots using portable equipment. (Electronic News Gathering) The use of camcorders and/or live satellite feeds to transmit video.